============= Page 1 of 1 ============= ENRON CORP. Table 1 - Earnings Summary (Unaudited: in millions, except per share data) EXH010-01272 Revenues Transportation and Distribution: Transportation Services Portland General Wholesale Services Retail Energy Services (a) Broadband Services Corporate and Other (including intercompany eliminations) Total Revenues After tax results Net income excluding nonrecurring items Non-recurring item: Cumulative effect of accounting changes Net income Earnings per share (diluted) (b) EPS (diluted) excluding nonrecurring items Non-recurring item: Cumulative effect of accounting changes EPS (diluted) Average shares outstanding (diluted) (b) Quarter Ended Six Months Ended June 30, June 30, 2001 2000 2001 2000 $ 150 $ 166 $ 396 $ 372 831 431 1,598 828 48,478 15,967 96,984 28,296 557 420 1,250 734 16 151 99 210 28 (249) (138) (409) $ 50,060 $ 16,886 $ 100,189 $ 30,031 $ 404 $ 289 $ 810 $ 627 - - 19 - $ 404 $ 289 $ 829 $ 627 $ 0.45 $ 0.34 $ 0.92 $ 0.73 - - 0.02 - $ 0.45 $ 0.34 $ 0.94 $ 0.73 891.1 862.2 881.5 857.0 (a) See Table 3b, note b. (b) The Second Preferred Stock and the Series B Preferred Stock are both dilutive in the first two quarters of 2000 and 2001. The average number of diluted shares outstanding reflect the impact of equity-related commitments that would be dilutive if funded at Enron's current share price. These commitments begin to settle in 2003. GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 1008 Crim. No. H-04-25 (S-2)